The first time Mathew got to see Grandma. He was so smiley. I think he may like the attention of the camera.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The first time Mathew got to see Grandma. He was so smiley. I think he may like the attention of the camera.
Mathew and Uncle Walter at the airport. What a precious boy.
We finally made it home on Monday. A day later then we had planned, the second attempt went off without a hitch, we are so happy to be home. The boys are having fun with Mathew and we let them stay home on Tuesday because we missed them and so the could get to know Mat a little bit. Zane did the introductions for the dogs, so now he has formally met everyone.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Well, we finally got the confirmation for our tickets and we get to leave next Friday morning to get the little man. I love the second picture, he looks like he has got just the right amount of attitude to fit in here. I would appreciate your prayers as we get him and start the adjustment. I am prepared for a possibly difficult adjustment period but I am all for it being smooth as silk as well. We have set up his things and are as prepared as we can be. This is such an exciting season to see how God is going to work this out and how our family is growing in ways we didn't expect 6 months ago. It doesn't take God long to do something (although at times 5 months seems like an eternity). The boys are real excited for him to come and they are looking forward to staying with Grandma Diane while we are gone.
John and I will actually be able to have a date on Friday, something we haven't done since October. Maybe we will even go to the beach. Imagine that adult alone time, YIPPEE.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
So this was John's idea a good idea. He thought it wouldn't be all that snowy once they got up to the property. I think he was wrong. They had a lot of fun freezing there toes off and trying to catch there boots and beards on fire. What a trip!!!!!!
Hi. Mom thought that I (John)should be talking about how it felt up there. The first thing I felt up there was horrible tires. The scout got stuck in the snow about 7 times!! The second feeling I hated was that snow got in my shoes (when I mean shoes I mean shoes)and for the rest of the two days I thought that maybe it wasn't too late to go home. I won't ever ever go to that retched property ever again!(but maybe untill summer.)